Monday, July 8, 2013


Learning theory is divided into three main theories Behaviour Theory (Behaviouris), Cognitive Theory and Constructivism

1. Behavior Theory
This theory change behavior pressing. Study of behavior that can be seen or measured. It does not take a guess thought process applies. Between the figures of this theory is:

Pavlov (1849-1936)
Watson (1878-1958)
Thorndike (1874-1949)
Skinner (1904-1960)

Thorndike said that learning is the formation of a relationship between SR (STIMULUS-RESPONSE). He also has produced three important laws namely:
Legal impression
Legal training
Law "readiness"

Learning principles emphasized by Thorndike are:
Learning requires practice and discipline.
A tindakbalas siri be joined.
The transfer of the learning effect due to experience.
Cleverness is dependent on the frequency.

However, Skinner has customize learning theory studies the behavior and learning has reserved the following principles:
positively sanctioned behavior will be repeated.
Inauguration intermitent memorable.
• Notice was given little by little
Creation generalizable to produce secondary perlaziman.

Whatever the theory of learning behavior has given the impression to:
Objective of learning behavior
Analysis of the behavior of the learning taxonomy
Taxonomy learning matlamat Gagne
Learning mastery
Approach and Tentera industry
teaching machines and teaching terancang
Teaching individuals.

The strength of this theory is the foundation emphasized that students focused on a clear goal and can respond to that goal. The disadvantage of this theory is that there is no possibility students find a suitable stimulus for feedback occurs, the student can not be responding.

2. Cognitive Theory
This theory push the thought process behind the behavior, ie the process.
Ang occur in the minds of students. Among the leaders of this theory are:

Edward Tolman
J. Piaget
Gagne / Briggs

Implications of Cognitive Theory in Teaching are:
Organization and structure of knowledge.
Knowledge of procedures that can be used.
• Ability to obtain knowledge.

Key Concepts of Cognitive Theory is:
Processing information
• This means that
serial position effect
Training Effect
Effect of transfer
• Impact level of information processing
• Impact of state
Effects of mnemonic
Organising early

To apply the cognitive theory of teaching, teachers must actively involve students. For example, giving control to students and ensure that students can make the training at any time. In addition, the teacher also needs to pay attention to the structuring and organization of information to facilitate processing.

The strength of this theory is to train students to learn something with the same method and thus promote consistency in doing the work. The disadvantage of this theory is that students only learn one method of doing things and probably not the method or methods best suited to the student or situation at the moment.

3. Constructivism Theory
 This theory of learning is a process of pressing the active and students build new concepts or new knowledge based on experience. Each individual has his own knowledge representation through the experience suffered. Learning occurs when an imbalance occurs between frames with new information.

The implications of this theory in teaching are:
Teachers encourage learning through discovery.
Teachers and students interact actively.
Teachers adjust instruction according to students' understanding.
Teachers use the most effective sequence to give knowledge.

The strength of this theory is that many students interpret reality, students can tackle the real problems in a variety of forms. The disadvantage of this theory was no uniformity. Students have a mental model representations respectively and problems may arise when individuals express their views that they katakana right.



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